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  • Back to School

    The weather in these parts has the distinct feel of Autumn about it just now, a season I always associate with the true beginning of the year. It’s probably got a lot to do…

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    August 28, 2018
  • Short Stories

    This Train is for Winner of the Edge Hill Short Story Prize for a single-authored collection in 2023, Bernie McGill’s stories have been widely praised for their emotional depth and their lyrical language. She…

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    July 17, 2017
  • The Glass Shore

    Bernie McGill is the author of two novels and one short story collection. She has written audio scripts for heritage projects and stage scripts for theatre. Her new short story collection, This Train is…

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    July 1, 2017
  • Links

    Publishers Tinder Press Bollati Boringhieri Whittrick Press and the Sleepwalkers launch video No Alibis Press   Theatre Big Telly Theatre Company Cahoots NI General Arts Council of Northern Ireland Society of Authors Royal Literary…

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    May 8, 2017