The Watch House

June 29, 2017

Book Cover 'The Watch Tower'Here it is: the cover of my new novel, The Watch House (previously known by several titles, more latterly as The Book), which will be published by Tinder Press on 10th August 2017. I’m particularly happy about the mapping of Rathlin placenames on the cover. The novel is set on Rathlin Island at the end of the nineteenth century and at the time of the Marconi wireless experiments between there and Ballycastle. If you’re a book blogger or an online (or offline) reviewer and you’d like to get your hands on a review copy, then send a little tweet to @Phoebe_Swinburn at @TinderPress and she just might send you a copy. The Watch House is also available on Net Galley so if you’re a librarian, bookseller, educator, reviewer, blogger or person in the media, you can sign up to read a review copy for free. We’ll be launching the book at Flowerfield Arts Centre, Portstewart on 21st September 2017. More news of that later in the year.


In the meantime, for the truly bookish among you, there are some wonderful events coming up at Belfast Book Festival (7th-17th June 2017) and International Literature Festival, Dublin (20th-28th May 2017). I’ll be at the Crescent Arts Centre, Belfast, at 5.30pm on Tuesday 13th June for readings and discussions on The Glass Shore, along with anthology editor Sinéad Gleeson and fellow contributors Rosemary Jenkinson and Jan Carson where we’ll be talking short stories, women writers and the North. Hope to see you there.

The Watch House is available for pre-order in paperback and on Kindle here.